Our students enjoy the resources of an outstanding research university. These include, but are not limited to, various levels of support for tuition and living expenses. Students accepted into the PhD program who remain in good standing are guaranteed six years of full funding in the form of Arts and Sciences (A & S) Fellowships, with an annual stipend of $36,050 for the 2024-2025 academic year, full tuition remission, and subsidized health care. First-year PhD students receive a fellowship with no instructional responsibilities. As part of our program requirements, PhD students then register for three years of Mentored Teaching Experience (MTE) while they finish coursework and begin dissertation research. Typical MTE assignments are as section leaders in our large introductory courses. Two years of fellowship support without instructional responsibilities may then be devoted to the preparation, defense, and submission of the dissertation. Advanced PhD students may also offer summer courses to gain valuable independent teaching experience. This is an exceptional professional opportunity.
Standalone MA students receive assistance over their two years in the program with tuition charges, and possibly full tuition remission. The Department will cover the annual student health and wellness fees, and also the annual student health insurance fees. Moreover, we help students locate part-time jobs, federal work-study positions (for eligible U.S. citizens) and local oppportunities for summer employment in the Digital Art History Lab (DAHL), Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Kranzberg Art and Architecture Library, or elsewhere on campus.
The following sections are meant to convey only general ideas of the possibilities open to graduate students, together with an outline of the advantages and requirements of each of the major forms of assistance.
University Tuition Scholarships (Tuition Remission)
Scholarship grants may cover part or all the costs of tuition to the limit of full-time study. Scholarships are available both to new and continuing students. Beyond the course work requirements for the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees, partial or full tuition scholarships covering the Resident or Non-Resident Candidate’s Fee will be considered only for students who are receiving a fellowship, or an external fellowship or traineeship that funds partial tuition remission.
Since perception of academic merit is the sole criterion for the award of tuition scholarships, these grants are not subject to taxation under federal tax law. However, stipend awards, including those described below, are taxable.
University Fellowship Opportunities
A & S Fellowships are stipend awards aimed at supporting full-time study, although a certain amount of teaching or research may be required as part of the advanced degree program. A & S Fellowship stipends for the 2024-2025 academic year is $36,050 in the Humanities. Most fellowships are awarded on an annual basis, based on timely and satisfactory progress toward the PhD degree; funding decisions are made each spring semester for the following academic year. For outstanding incoming graduate students, the Dean's Distinguished Graduate Fellowship in Arts and Sciences provides additional stipendiary support, and the Ann W. and Spencer T. Olin-Chancellor's Fellowship offers an increased stipend rate, a research budget, and increased health subsidy for up to five years of graduate study.
External Grants and Fellowship Resources
While graduate students in Art History and Archaeology are eligible to apply for a variety of departmental and university resources to support their research and professional development, they are also encouraged to discuss external grant opportunities and applications with their mentors, and to apply for such opportunities as appropriate. In recent years PhD students in the department have successfully applied for fellowships and internships at institutions such as the Getty Research Center, the Newberry Library, and the American Academy in Rome.
Withdrawals and Refunds
Requests for refund of tuition paid by a student who is withdrawing from a degree program should be made by submitting a Withdrawal Form to the Office of Graduate Studies.
Requests for refund of tuition paid by a student who is withdrawing from a specific course should be submitted in writing to the registrar in the Office of Graduate Studies. The last date of class attendance is ordinarily used in determining the amount that can be refunded. Students withdrawing within the first two weeks of classes will receive a full refund; those withdrawing before the end of the fourth week pay 20 percent; those withdrawing before the end of the eighth week pay 40 percent. Students who have had their full tuition remitted for them by the Office of Graduate Studies or by a third party will not receive any refund.