Funding for Departmental Summer 2023 Research Awards and AY 2024 Weil/Hall Dissertation Grants
Funding for Departmental Summer 2025 Research Awards and AY 2025-2026 Weil/Hall Dissertation Grants
The Department of Art History and Archaeology is able to offer students additional research funding from two sources. All graduate students are eligible to apply for departmental research awards. For PhD students, these awards are typically for amounts up to $2,000; for MA students, who are eligible only between the first and second years, they are up to $1000. PhD Students in the dissertation research and writing stage are eligible to apply for Mark S. Weil and Joan M. Hall Dissertation Grants, which can be up to $5,000. Students should indicate in their application packet which award they are applying for; students who apply for, but are not awarded Weil-Hall Dissertation Grants will automatically be considered for departmental research awards. The deadline for all applications for both types of research funding is March 28th, 2025.
I. Departmental Research Awards
As a general rule, the Department considers departmental research awards as a means of advance significant research necessary for the successful completion of the MA and PhD degrees. Funds may also be available, budget permitting, to permit scholarly publication costs, such as reproduction fees.
Proposals for Research Awards:
We encourage students to approach this process with rigor, specificity, and comprehensiveness. We ask that each application offer:
- intellectual justification for the project or activity to be undertaken and a specific assessment of how this project fits into the larger program of the student's graduate education
- a work schedule, accompanied by a specific timetable
- [recommended but not required] evidence of the proposal's viability (acceptance of a paper, notice from a curator or archivist with a promise of making materials available, etc).
- a completed travel budget form if travel will be undertaken
Please email your proposal to Dr. Nathaniel Jones (, Director of Graduate Studies, and Brad Parton, Academic and Administrative Coordinator for Art History and Archaeology ( Deadline: March 28th, 2025.
Students proposing travel for research should be aware:
- Travel as above, reasonable lodging, photocopy costs, and museum entrance fees for research purposes are all permissible costs for research trips.
- Any research proposal for a figure over $2000 for a PhD or $1000 for an MA student requires evidence of the student also applying to funding sources outside the university.
- All international travel must be registered ahead of the trip on the university travel website. Failure to do so will result in a block of travel reimbursements.
Washington University graduate students who are temporarily engaged in sponsored or approved research outside the U.S. should self-enroll in Geo Blue Student Blanket Accident and Sickness Insurance (see
Travel insurance is recommended but is not eligible for university reimbursement; do not include it in your project budget.
- After using their research award, the student should provide a short written assessment of the completed activity for their file.
- Departmental support of travel should be acknowledged in any published or public-facing work that results from this research.
- Students should submit receipts including boarding passes immediately after their trip. A travel advance is possible for prepaid airfare with receipts. If mileage reimbursement is requested, you must submit a map with mileage indicated, as well as providing an airfare quote to verify that mileage costs were less than the airfare. If renting a car domestically, extra insurance is not reimbursed. No reimbursement can be made for lost receipts.
II. Mark S. Weil and Joan M. Hall Dissertation Grants, AY 2025-2026.
Proposals for individual dissertation research grants will be considered for any amount up to $5,000. Only a very limited number of these grants will be awarded each year. Research may be conducted anywhere in the United States or abroad.
Students who have received a Weil/Hall Dissertation Grant in the past are eligible to apply for a second one, but priority may be given to those applicants who have not yet received such a grant.
To be eligible, students must have completed their comprehensive exams in both their major and minor field (or their minor essay, if an exam is not to be taken); all basic language requirements for the PHD; and they must have successfully defended their prospectus, all by May 20, 2025. Funds may be used as early as the summer of 2025, and should be used by the time of graduation in Spring 2025. The purpose of these grants is to substantially advance necessary research for the dissertation project.
Students may also propose training abroad in a foreign language in which they have demonstrated the necessary competency, but in which they desire to achieve a higher standard of competency, to better complete the dissertation and to better function in their chosen scholarly subfield. Letters of application should be around 500-750 words, and they should state the overall status of progress on the dissertation project, the purpose of the proposed research, and the ways in which this research will significantly advance the project towards defense and completion. Please also include a current cv, a budget and proposed work plan and schedule. Please request a letter of endorsement from your dissertation advisor, which is also due by the grant application deadline.
All materials for the Weil/Hall Dissertation Grants should be sent directly to the department Chair, Dr. William Wallace (; the Director of Graduate Studies, Dr. Nathaniel Jones (; and to the departmental administrative coordinator Brad Parton by March 28th, 2025.