Budget Guidelines for Professional Conferences

Students may generally request funding for only one conference presentation per year. It is highly recommended that if a student intends to seek Departmental support for that conference, that she or he clear the choice of conference with the Director of Graduate Studies or their program advisor before applying to the conference. Students delivering talks at conferences (in the United States or internationally) should expect to receive no more than $500, plus conference registration fees. Students may propose a more expensive budget, but the merits of the request will be considered on a case by case basis (Foreign conferences have been funded at a higher level depending on availability of funds). Transportation amounts quoted in proposals are expected to be budget ticket rates, taking advantage of advance purchase or other discounts. The $500 is intended to cover transportation and reasonable hotel fees. 

Students driving their own cars may ask to be reimbursed at the current university mileage rate, which is the same as the federal mileage rate. The department does not cover food or drink costs during professional travel. The department does not cover taxi rides to and from airports, but other forms of public transportation (shuttles, buses, metro) may be reimbursed.


Please email your proposal and a completed travel budget form to Dr. Nathaniel Jones, Director of Graduate studies. Deadlines: October 15 for each fall, and rolling thereafter throughout the year. 

Students proposing support for professional conferences should be aware: 

  • Students should submit receipts including boarding passes immediately after their trip. 
  • A travel advance is possible for prepaid airfare and conference registration with receipts.
  • If mileage reimbursement is requested, you must submit a map with mileage indicated, as well as providing an airfare quote to verify that mileage costs were less than the airfare.
  • If renting a car domestically, extra insurance is not reimbursed.
  • No reimbursement can be made for lost receipts.